One Club. One Goal. Safety First.
3-D Archery League
New and Improved 3D Archery League Club
WHEN: Wednesday Evenings 6pm-Dark
DATES July 24th through September 25th
WHO: Everyone is Welcome! Limited to First 75 Archers
ENTRY: Cost for Members $35, non-members $50.
Cash or check made out to Isabella County Sportsman’s Club are acceptable
AWARDS: Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place in all Shooting Classes
Awards will be based on a 50/50 payback from entry fees
Shooting Classes
Youth- Ages 13-17 years of age, male or female, shooting a compound, recurve, or long bow.
Traditional- Ages 18 and up, male or female, shooting a recurve or long bow using a shooting glove, finger tab, or bare fingers.
Compound- Ages 18 and up, male or female, shooting any type of vertical compound bow, using a shooting glove, finger tab, bare fingers, or a mechanical release. Verifiers or clarifiers are allowed.
For Full Rules and more information please follow the links below. Thank you!
3-D Archery Course
The 3-D archery course has returned and is open for service.
The club provides a number of targets for member archery practice and sight-in. Broadheads are not to be used anywhere on ICSC property.
A multiple station walk-around 3D course is available for members to shoot.
Please note that NO crossbows are allowed on the 3D course. Crossbows may only be used on the block targets in the small shelter on the field archery range.